It is done, since 30.08.2022 Ben hilft ...! may be supplemented by the abbreviation 'e.V.'. The association is officially registered. The next step is the confirmation of the non-profit status by the tax office. Stay tuned, we will keep you informed.

Our emergence

With Putin's attack on Ukraine, the world changed on 24 February 2022. As far as possible, people have packed their belongings and left Ukraine, or are still on their way. In a very short time, millions of refugees have crossed international borders and are seeking protection in neighbouring countries.

It was immediately clear to us that we could not just stand by and watch, but had to use our strengths and help. Initially, many of the founding members got involved in a voluntary Ukrainian aid organisation together.

A variation of our logo.

During our work together, we realised that besides helping people, there are also animals that need support. Sometimes people had to leave their beloved animals behind when they fled or are no longer able to care for their animals themselves.

With this in mind, we have set ourselves the goal of helping - " Ben hilft ...! e.V." stands for helping where help is needed.

Our focus is on animals & people

"Ben hilft ...! e.V." has set itself the goal of helping animals and humans. This takes place through food donations, of course, but also in the medical field. When we help animals, we usually also help people. Because dogs and cats have been a companion of humans for a very long time. There is a very close relationship and often people take care of their animal rather than themselves. If we alleviate the care for the animal, the human being can also concentrate more on himself again. Thus, every animal donation is also a direct help for the person behind it.

Who we help

Our offer of help is varied and in a state of flux. Ben hilft ...! e.V." does not have a standard procedure, but always depends on the situation. Primarily, we collect donations in the form of money and/or food and take them to where help is urgently needed. At the moment, the focus is certainly on Ukraine, but this should not remain limited in the long run. We want to help where help is needed.

In addition, we use our contacts to, for example, find animals in need or organise temporary accommodation for you. This also takes place regionally, so we certainly know the difficult housing situation in Bavaria and the challenge of finding living space with permission to keep animals.

Ben loading food donations.

In addition, there are always questions to be answered, even in the official jungle. For example:

  • How can you register a dog in Munich if you only speak Ukrainian?
  • Where can you get help for e.g. food?
  • Who do I contact if my animal is sick / injured?
  • What rules do I have to follow before my animal is allowed to enter Germany?

Here, too, we want to be a competent contact and help.

How we work

Ben on his way to check the situation.

We work with renowned Partners together and regularly assure ourselves that our aid reaches where it is really needed. This can be done through photo documentation of the supply chain as well as personal trips. For example, Ben was already in the June once in Lviv to get a picture of the situation and the partners on the ground.

How you can support us

Feel free to follow us on our blog and share it diligently on your social networks! We depend on the fact that our level of awareness continues to rise. Only together can we achieve great things! And for this we would like to take you with us on our journey and show you that every cent, every can of food, every bit of help goes exactly where it is needed. You have our word on that - thank you very much!

Of course, you can also get involved with "Ben hilft ...! e.V." yourself at any time. The best thing is to speak directly to someone from our team and together we will find out where you can best support us.

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