Our Blog ...!

Give a little hope at Christmas!

Dear all, in 15 days' time, the first of you will already be on Christmas holiday, preparing for the festive season and getting some rest. No doubt the "last" Christmas presents will also be bought and wrapped. The end of the year can be heralded. Read more...

The next big tour

Dear ones, it has been quiet on this channel for a while, but that does not mean that we have been resting. Rather, in the last few weeks there have always been smaller areas of help in which we have been involved. Times Read more...

2 tonnes of relief supplies on their way

Dear ones, it's that time again. In the last few weeks we have received a lot of donations in kind and have distributed them almost all over Bavaria to different warehouses (unfortunately we still lack a central, large warehouse as a reloading point). Read more...

Fotodoku: Delivery arrived!

Dear all, We have received pictures from Ukraine. The next two deliveries have arrived! But thanks to our reliable donors, good friends and the amazing support from Fressnapf Gruppe München around Sven Mauer, Sven Jankowski and Read more...

Lviv August '22

Dear all, I finally got around to organising my thoughts on what I experienced last weekend. An eventful weekend lies behind us. Together with Andreas, I set off for Lviv. We Read more...

Sunday Workout - Pick up 1.2 tonnes of food

Dear all, it was another eventful Sunday. This time I was able to collect over 1.2 tonnes of dog and cat food in Fürstenfeldbruck and bring it to the Heimatstern e.V. warehouse. There, the food is packed and sent to Przemyśl via a forwarding agent. You know the process by now.

Pack pallets

Dear ones, sometimes it goes faster than you think. At first I thought I would pack pallets during the week, but on Sunday morning I got a text from Petra (Heimatstern e.V.) asking if we could come on Sunday. Read more...

Private donation collected

Dear ones, thanks to a contact from the Helpers' Market last Sunday, I was able to collect a private donation from Olena today. She has moved out of her temporary accommodation and returned to Ukraine. She was able to bring her cat's utensils Read more...

4540 * Thank you

I have often written under my posts that I can only provide all this help thanks to you. Today I would like to thank you explicitly with this post. No story this time, no shopping story Read more...

Hello, world. I am Ukraine!

The video above came to my attention by chance. It shows at the beginning how beautiful it is in the "neighbourhood". It also confirms to me why it is so important to help. Because, towards the end Read more...

The team behind Ben helps ...!

Ben - The workhorse

Animals do not have a voice of their own. They have no decision-making power of their own. That is why you need us. I am the voice of the animals. They are close to my heart.

Contact us ...!

My location ...!

Munich, Schwabing

Call directly ...!

Benedikt Wörner
+49 (0) 160 / 77 92 107
Daily: 10:00 - 20:00

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