Dear ones,
You haven't heard from us for a long time, but a lot has happened in the background. As reported, we were pleased to be entered in the register of associations on 30.08.2022. This means that we can now officially carry the e.V. label.
As a next step, we are striving for recognition as a non-profit organisation - stay tuned, we will keep you informed.
But now to the latest developments. Yesterday evening we had an appointment at my favourite branch of the Fressnapf Group Munich in the Euroindustriepark. We were able to pick up a trailer full of food (have a look at the pictures ...). Special thanks to Sven Mauer and Nicolas Arndt who believe in our idea and support us as much as they can - you and your team are awesome!
We are very happy that you believe in us and our idea and help us to care for animals where it is urgently needed. Rest assured, we will stay in touch 😉.
In the next few days, another delivery will be made to John's Warehouse. This time, in addition to food, there will also be some medicines as well as blankets, dog beds and towels. Winter is coming and it's getting cold. We need your support!
The onward transport of relief supplies to Kiev to a cat shelter has already been organised. More than 500 cats are already housed there - and the number is growing every day.
If you need more information, feel free to contact the Ben helps ...! team.