A big thank you goes to the association: Tiere wollen leben e.V.

In the last few months, the association has collected money and food for the animals in Ukraine. A large consignment had already been sent, the rest of the money was donated by the association to support our activities in Ukraine. The team of Ben hilft ...! e.V. says THANK YOU in the name of the animals!

The money collected has already been "exchanged" for cat food and will probably be on its way to a cat house in Kiev before Christmas!

Take a look at the following pictures and see what a successful shopping experience we had at Fressnapf. Of course, a big thank you also goes to the Fressnapf branch in the Euroindustriepark for the uncomplicated handling! You know it, we will be back 😂.

If you would like to support us in our activities, you can do so via bank transfer:

Ben helps ... e.V.
Stadtsparkasse Munich
IBAN: DE49 7015 0000 1007 1487 35

Or via PayPal:

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