Dear all, it was another eventful Sunday. This time I was able to collect over 1.2 tonnes of dog and cat food in Fürstenfeldbruck and deliver it to the warehouse at Heimatstern e.V. bring. There, the food is packed and sent to Przemyśl via a forwarding agent. You know the process by now.

Michi Irblich organised this fantastic donation. She acquired various private donors and set up collection points at Bistro Twenty and Haarflimmern by Myrjam. Michi was also able to rely on the help of the Türkenfeld Dog Club, dog trainer Marion Eckstein and Tieroase FFB.

Der Berg den es zu bezwingen gibt

All of us together have made the mountain of food donations possible. It is always impressive to see what we can achieve together when we join forces and everyone contributes a small part. In this campaign, the people of Bruck and the surrounding area have once again stuck together and collected food for the 3rd time and sent it to Ukraine. According to Michi's estimate, the total amount is about 7 tons! Impressive!

Being great together

In search of a way to transport the donations to Ukraine, a few detours (many thanks to Patrick Ottilinger for linking) led to me. Of course, I immediately set out to get the trailer from the Heimatstern e.V. and drove to FFB. Together with Stephan (who was hiding in the pictures 😀 - he was the photographer) and Patrick, the loading went well. But take a look for yourself:

Die fleissigen
The hard-working helpers before loading: (Ben, Michi, Patrick)
Ein Auto voll Glück
The car is full and with muscle power the trailer could be hitched up.
Ein Anhänger voll Glück
Trailer is full and donations are secured.
Anhänger voll Futter
Lots of dry and wet food on the trailer.
Beifahrer aus Hundefutter
The passenger smelled a little like food ...
Kein Platz mehr im Kofferraum
Finn must have run out of room in his box?! Luckily he stayed at home :).

After loading is before palletising

And as is usually the case, after loading is before palletising. And that was also the case this time. Together with Michael, I started the first attempt at packing the pallets myself. When we were on site, we still thought our work was fantastic (for the first attempt). From the pictures I have the feeling there is still a lot of potential :D.

Gestapelt auf Palette (2)
With a little foil around it, it will certainly work like that. This was also the second attempt :D. Here approx. 650 kg.
Gestapelt auf Palette (1)
Who doesn't know it, the hopper loading of a pallet? Here approx. 550 kg.

And of course I don't need to mention this here again separately, because you know it yourselves anyway. But I depend on your support. Here we have another great example of how we can achieve great things together, hand in hand. And you can do it too. If you have food at home or want to start a collection campaign, please contact me. I will be happy to help you with the coordination and, in the end, also with the transport of the relief supplies. Let's be great together! Help me to help. Because: Only helping helps. A big thank you to all those who are already supporting and to those who will do so in the future.


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