Dear all, I went to my favourite food store again today and placed an order. This time it was 15 bags of 18 kg of Royal Canin dry food (for large dogs). After talking to the people in the warehouse, this is urgently needed at the moment. So we have a good 270 kg of food for delivery again. In addition, I still have the 2. order from Fressnapf (by post), which is another 55 kg. And the attentive readers will still remember, also the 1. Order we couldn't take the other day.
Of the 400 kg initially planned, only 60% were delivered, but we are still talking about 240 kg of wet feed. It should be noted that all weights are pure feed quantities. This means that the packaging must be added for safety's sake.
In the end, however, we have the following together here for the next delivery:
270 kg dried fodder
240 kg wet food
55 kg kitten food and vitamin paste
565 kg Total (pure feed + packaging)
At this point, I would like to say THANK YOU again to all of you. You have made this possible. Without your support, I would not be able to deliver this amount of food. And speaking of delivery, the next delivery of food will go to John's Warehouse in Przemyśl. I can do this thanks to the support of Heimatstern e.V.. So as soon as I get the call from Fressnapf: The order has arrived, I can plan the next steps. Stay tuned, I will of course take you with me! And before you start worrying: No, this will not be the last campaign. So you are welcome to Continue to support. I am counting on you! THANKS!
[ For safety's sake, please note: This post may contain traces of unpaid advertising through mentioning of names and products. I will pay for the order in full and will not receive anything in return for the mention. ]