I have often written under my posts that I can only provide all this help thanks to you. Today I would like to thank you explicitly with this post. No story this time, no shopping story - just to say THANK YOU!

Thanks to second very generous donations, today I say 4540 * THANK YOU - for every euro once! You are amazing, seriously. Now we start together, you give us the necessary tailwind!

Would you also like to get involved? Then please contact me directly. Together we can achieve great things! I am ready for it, are you?

If you personally don't have the time to support me, then you can of course also participate financially. You too can become an entry in my Transparency list ;):

by bank transfer (separate account):
Account holder: Benedikt Wörner
IBAN: DE92 1203 0000 1054 2218 31
Bank: DKB
Use: Donation Ben helps Ukraine

via PayPal:
Account: be.woe@gmx.de
Use: Ben helps ...!

via Gofundme project:

I am grateful for any support. Of course, I will keep you up to date on my activities on this website! Feel free to drop by again 💙💛.

Categories: General


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